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Energy Disc Stickers 30mm, 3 MWO Stickers golden plated


3 golden plated MWO Stickers for all kind of mobile phones, WiFi-, TV,- electronic- and electric-devices, as well as water bottles, water purifiers and others. These stickers acts as an inductor of electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), as well to hamonize destructive energies from other sources.

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SKU: HARM-DISC-030s Categories: ,

Biotraxx Energy Disc Stickers, golden plated –  Set contains 3 Raumvital MWO Stickers

simply peel off and stick on

Experience the evolution of design with our latest creation, inspired by the legendary Multi-Wave Oscillator (MWO) developed by Georges Lakhovsky. Georges product features a geometrical reinterpretation of the MWO’s antenna pattern, designed to bring the cells of our body back to their natural oscillatory electrical potentials and achieve homeostasis.

Crafted from gold plated copper, this stickers acts as an inductor of electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), as well as destructive energies from other sources, harnessing ambient natural energies to remain active at all times. The concentric rings incorporated in the design, following the principles of fractal geometry and the golden spiral, generate a wide spectrum of harmonic frequencies. These frequencies emitting only natural coherent information that is beneficial to all organic life forms.


Multiwave Oscillator Technology

Our Energy Disc design is based on the Multiwave Oscillator developed by Georges Lakhovsky around 1920, in conjunction with a bipolar Teslacoil. Lakhovsky was sure that he would revolutionise the medical world with his device. The Multiwave Oscillator (patent published on 12.06.1934), however, was not recognised by the conventional medical faction, was opposed and finally dismissed as “quackery”.

The Energy Disc design is a passive antenna that is used without power supply. The positive vibrations of the antenna are generated by Free Energy in the Golden Ratio and have a harmonising (balancing) effect on negative energies and negative vibrations. To put it simply, negative (ill-making) energies are converted or transformed into positive (healing) energies in the effective circle of the antenna.

Energy Disc Sticker – Areas of application

  • EMF protection (Wifi routers, wireless phones, 5G etc.)
  • Water energisation
  • Plant growth and regeneration
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