In my last article I reported in unusual detail and scope about zeolite. In order not to burden the internet too much, I didn’t provide all the information on the subject. Not by far.
Let me give you some more facts about it today:
One of the main known uses is the influence of zeolite on the skin. Our skin is the largest organ in our body; it weighs a little more than 10 kilos and, depending on physique and size, is a little less than two square meters in size. In laboratory medicine, the simplified calculation of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR, a reference point for kidney function disorders) assumes an average value of 1.73 m2 for the surface of the skin.
Any textile product would blush with envy if it were compared to the capabilities of our skin: it is waterproof (quite practical when swimming or walking in the rain), but it can pass liquids both ways, in and out, as in sweating. Our skin protects us from heat and cold and provides amazing sensory functions. It renews itself every four weeks and is the home of a large number of co-inhabitants: bacteria, viruses and fungi.
Normally, the skin is not easily damaged, even small injuries heal quickly. If however, like in the intestines, circumstances are less than optimal, if our resistance and our immune system are weakened for some reason, annoying and unpleasant skin diseases can rear their ugly heads, wounds and ulcers can cause much distress over long periods of time. And by the way: excessive washing and scrubbing, particularly using artificial grooming products, is a burden on our skin and its natural self-protection mechanisms!
Regarding skin disease, we are lucky that clever people have come up with the idea of “packaging” zeolite in ointments as a carrier medium so that it can be applied externally.
But I really don’t just want to give a long list of diseases that can be positively influenced by zeolite. It is at least as important to me to place this utterly versatile substance in a broader context, to place it in the world of prevention and prophylaxis.
This concept goes back to the Greek physician Hippocrates of Kos, the father of many ideas of modern medicine, together with Paracelsus, who lived much later, however.
Hippocrates is wrongly attributed as having said “medicus curat, natura sanat”, i.e. “the doctor treats, but nature heals”, but the phrase is based on his teaching. Hippocrates invented, among other things, prophylaxis, physical exercise as therapy, dietary and lifestyle changes and light therapy.
The basic idea in this long tradition is taking appropriate measures to prevent the development of disease before it manifests itself. Granted, our immune system performs admirable feats every single day, killing cancer cells, detecting pathogens of all kinds through a kind of intelligence service, destroying them with its “combat troops”. But the immune also system has powerful enemies which can appear in various shapes and forms, severely reducing its firepower. These enemies include antibiotics, cortisone, radiation, cancer, allergies and the body’s reaction to surgery. All these things can render us defenseless against intruders.
There are, however, two things in particular that each of us can do to avoid most serious and widespread diseases. These two things are very, very simple and at the same time very, very difficult for most people to put into practice:
- Eat healthy
- Get sufficient exercise
The first item can help to stop joint diseases and heart problems caused by obesity, diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases and many others.
And sensible exercise, such as walking, cycling, swimming and a host of other activities can keep our blood circulation in good shape, regulate our blood pressure and keep our joints flexible and pain-free.
Oh, yes, there is a third thing that we can do:
- Using zeolite as a natural “cleaning crew” for our body, purifying toxins and waste products, acting as a powerful regulator.